Over the past two weeks, I have read through a lot of training materials and case studies found from the internal knowledge share database. It was very interesting for me to sit and read a lot in the office, but I was expecting to join training courses or projects to learn more real business rather than theories on the papers.

Hence, I decided to work and act more actively. I sent an email to my division manager to state my current status and to mention that I will be pleased to work on any internal or external project. The manager replied the email in 10 minutes and gave his apologies for not sitting down with me in the last couple of weeks because he was busy in budgeting and planning for the next year.

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During my second week in the company, as what I found in my first week, my supervisor did not ask me to do anything specific. However, I spent a lot of time in two things except the Christmas party last Wednesday evening.

First, I was trying to gather more information for possible business opportunities in Taiwan and to read case studies. I am a consultant rather than a sale, but I do look forward to going back to Taipei for business and projects. That is why I was trying to find out more business opportunities in Taipei for my company.

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雖然老師之前就說,我的論文有學術發表的潛力,應該可以拿到高分,但我還是很驚訝自己最後竟然拿到了70分! 英國是50分及格,台灣是要70分才算及格,所以我能在英國拿到70分,差不多就等同於台灣的90分吧!

老師以前也說過,作業要能拿到70分,是非常困難的, 除非是老師看過作業後,老師自己也從中學習到一些新的東西才行。

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It was very excited for me to go to my first Christmas party hold by the company. It was also a good chance for me to compare differences between English Christmas party and Taiwanese year end party.

In the party, I met a lot of consultants which is working in clients’ sites and hardly to be found in the office. Before the dinner, I went around people to say hello and to have short chats like the other people did in the bar. Because I was so new in the company, I did not know everyone’s background and position in the company. Hence, I asked everyone I met which department and job you are doing. It was a shame that I ask the same questions to some senior managers, partners and founders. However, all of them were very friendly to me and also gave me some helpful suggestions at the early stage in the company.

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Office design may be not the most important for the company, but can still represent its cultures and image to its staff and clients. Compared to typical office design of open area and natural colour style for banks’ office, office design for a consultancy firm is sort of special to fulfil the firm’s nature of flexibility and mobility of its consultants.

My first look at the office design and layout of the company was very impressive. The office is separated into two big sections with totally different designs and functionalities. One section is for conferences with its clients. The design of the section is a modern and professional style with many modern drawings. The other section is the office for its consultants and general supporting staff. The design in the office section is a functional and open style.

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去年九月出國唸書後,已經一年多沒有回台灣了! 沒想到這次回國竟是以渡假的身份回去。 行李中沒有衣服也沒有書本,只有滿滿的禮物和期待, 期待再見到我親愛的家人。

兩個禮拜中,我沒有一天是閒著的。按照事前寫好的代辦事項和採買清單,一項項完成再回英國長期生活的準備。 也拜訪許久未見得同事和朋友們,幾乎每天都在和朋友吃飯, 晚上又繼續貪吃懷念已久的台灣小吃, 好怕自己胖起來,回英國後西裝褲都要重買了。

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For a consultancy firm, people and knowledge are undoable the most important and valuable assets. A key point to continue to succeed in their business is a well knowledge management strategic and platform. If a consultancy company fails to keep knowledge in the company when their consultants leave, it will prepare to fail in the highly competitive market.

Therefore, during my first week in the company, it was really excited and important for me to explore their extensive knowledge database by myself. The company used to share their all documents such as technical references, training materials, meeting minutes, sales brochures, and consultant’s portfolios by structured shared folders. This way was good for a small scale knowledge pool, but may not suitable for an extensive, fast growing, power search required, and remote accessing environment after the company expanded to a next step for more business.

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I started my job on Monday and am excited to join the company.

For the past week, no one asked me to do anything in the office, but I had a lot of things to do. It's a truly consultant's work style which I have to work self motivated and to get myself prepared for any coming projects. It doesn't mean that I need to work solely and alone. Actually, I will join some project teams to work with 4~6 experienced consultants who have more than 15 years experiences in Banking or IT consultancy industries in a global basis.

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Hi Everyone,

I joined XXX as a Consultant in Trading and Capital Market division on 28th November 2005 after recently gained my degree of MSc with distinction in International Banking and Finance in London with mark of distinction of my dissertation “Value at Risk for Market Risk Management in Banking”

I have over 9 years’ experience in Banking and IT consultancy industries including more than 2 years’ management experience gained within the Back Office of two global commercial banks in Taipei where I developed extensive knowledge of Derivatives including FX Spot, Forward, Swap, Options, Futures, IRS, CCS, FRA, Asset Swap, Structured Deals, Commodity Derivatives, and Credit Derivatives.

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通過了第一關與Job agent的面試,接下來就進入最重要的第二關,和部門主管面試。根據我在外商銀行和國內新銀行不同文化的工作經驗,兩者對於應徵新人的流程和HR扮演的 角色不太一樣。在國內的新銀行的做法是,公司在應徵新人時,通常是由人事部門(HR)由眾多CV中選出第一關面試的應徵者,然後安排應徵者與HR面試,只 有通過HR面試的CV才會送給部門主管選擇,而我以前做主管在選CV的時候,通常是十封CV才選一個人來面試。所以應徵者至少要面試兩次(有的要三次,多 一次和資深主管),HR就是第一關面試扮演重要角色。而外商銀行則有點不同,應徵者不用先和HR面試,HR只先篩選CV,第一次和部門主管的面試就幾乎決 定一切,通過主管面試後,應徵者才和HR面試,但這個面試主要是談薪資福利的事情,已經無關錄用與否了。

可是,我在倫敦這次面試的經驗又 和台灣的不同。這裡的工作甚至要面試到四次(Job agent, Department manager, HR, Senior manager),而且HR的面試在其中也扮演重要的角色,不是只有談薪資福利的事情而已,有關HR的面試,請容我稍後再詳述。


我的Job agent很快地就幫我安排好與部門主管的面談,而且還很專業的寄了一封面試邀請函,內容除了面試者的資料外,還有面試時的流程和可能的問題範圍,以及公司背景的介紹。有關Job agent給我第二關與部門主管面談的重點如下:

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