工作到二月底剛好滿三個月, 也到了核定試用期的時候了。
我本來還有點擔心自己在試用期的表現, 因為三個月的時間內, 我只出去做了五天的專案(但就幫公司賺了我兩個月的薪水), 比較自己以前在台灣的工作環境, 覺得自己在這家英國公司裡似乎沒有作很多事情。
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果然不出所料,我老婆今天面試一舉成功! 老闆自己看不懂她畫的設計稿, 就找了兩位設計主管來評斷, 她們都說Brilliant(非常好), 還當場就討論起來那一款可以用呢~
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雖然說與部門主管的面試最為重要,通過了與主管的面試,幾乎就可說有80%的機會可以得到工作,可是接下來和HR及Senior Manager的面談也大意不得,特別是這裡與HR的面談問題屬於 Competency 的問題(稍後詳述),HR可對員工將來可能的表現及是否能適應公司文化進行專業的評估,決定是否錄用。
進入了第二階段也是最後一次去公司 面試的機會,我心想除了一般的面試問題之外,應該是到了談薪水福利的時候了。可是,我對英國職場的薪資水準完全沒有概念,也不了解當地對Pension, Tax, and National Health Insurance 應該有的一般標準是什麼,要我在一無所知的情況下,和公司談薪水真是困難,爭取更多的薪資福利更是不可能。所以,我聯絡了那位藉由朋友介紹才認識,在倫敦 某外商銀行工作5年的台灣朋友,像她請教與HR面事實應該要注意些什麼,薪資福利的部份應該怎麼談比較好。她真的很好心,熱心告知我她的經驗,和她又同是在銀行業工作,有一種惺惺相惜的感覺。
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在2006的新年過後, 我們花了兩個小時腦力機盪出下面的新年新希望。這也是我們對未來家庭生活的規劃, 希望2006年我們能過的更健康而豐富。
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在分隔三個月,結束幫大陸服裝公司到西班牙拍目錄的專案後,我老婆終於回到倫敦和我團聚。樂在服裝設計工作的她,也和我一樣,開始嘗試在倫敦找工 作。花了一個月的時間,把她自己的履歷表(CV and Covering letter)準備好,等到一月份職缺增加的時候才開始投遞履歷。
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In the first week of 2006, I got my first project after I joined the company for one month. I thought I was joining a project team to give a hand on project, but surprisingly it was my own project.
I was asked to assist an auditor from a major global bank to check whether internal controls and workflows in their back offices comply with the US regulation SOX. It was interesting for me to sit in its London office and to work for a major European bank to read through a lot of documents provided by its overseas branches mainly in the Far East including my home country Taiwan. It gave me a real chance to see how small the global village is at this century.
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在工作簽證申請被拒絕三次,花了約台幣70,000的申請費之後, 我終於在公司的幫忙下,在新年第一個工作天拿到我的工作簽證!
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As all starters did before, I was assigned a performance manager to assist and monitor my performance to meet objectives during my probation period. Normally, the objectives are initially given to starters by their performance managers, and discussed and agreed between the starters and managers later. Unlike other junior analysts, I was asked to set up my objectives on my own by my performance manager and discuss them after she comes back from a long Christmas holiday.
The request to set up my own objectives sounds fair and reasonable to me, because I have got some managerial experience before. However, it is still the first time for me to write down my objectives in English. Thanks to the Google. I found a very helpful article about how to write good work objectives. I read over the article carefully and followed its steps to set up my objectives.
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