雖然說與部門主管的面試最為重要,通過了與主管的面試,幾乎就可說有80%的機會可以得到工作,可是接下來和HR及Senior Manager的面談也大意不得,特別是這裡與HR的面談問題屬於 Competency 的問題(稍後詳述),HR可對員工將來可能的表現及是否能適應公司文化進行專業的評估,決定是否錄用。
進入了第二階段也是最後一次去公司 面試的機會,我心想除了一般的面試問題之外,應該是到了談薪水福利的時候了。可是,我對英國職場的薪資水準完全沒有概念,也不了解當地對Pension, Tax, and National Health Insurance 應該有的一般標準是什麼,要我在一無所知的情況下,和公司談薪水真是困難,爭取更多的薪資福利更是不可能。所以,我聯絡了那位藉由朋友介紹才認識,在倫敦 某外商銀行工作5年的台灣朋友,像她請教與HR面事實應該要注意些什麼,薪資福利的部份應該怎麼談比較好。她真的很好心,熱心告知我她的經驗,和她又同是在銀行業工作,有一種惺惺相惜的感覺。
那位朋友也告訴了我一個在英國與HR面試很特別的情況。如果是透過Job agent轉介紹的工作,市場上合作的默契是不用和公司談薪水的,Job agent會幫你談,而且他會就他知道的市場行情,儘量幫你把薪水談高,因為他的佣金就是依照你的年薪來抽成,抽多少呢?聽了我嚇一跳,足足有25%,也 就是說假設年薪2萬鎊,Job agent就可以抽5千鎊,等於台幣30萬耶!難怪我的Job agent這麼積極的幫我聯絡,協助我面試成功。所以,面試準備過程中,有任何問題都可以問Job agent,相信他一定會全力幫你解決,除非他不想賺錢。
不用自己談薪水,這點聽來真是不錯,後來我和我的Agent確認,他說如果HR 跟你談薪水,那你就放手去談,但是如果他沒有提到的話,你最好就不要提,因為我已經把你的預期薪水範圍告知他們了。我的Agent也寄來第二關面試的通 知,說明和HR面試時可能的問題範圍,重點如下:
In particular, the HR will look at:
• Why you would like to join a consultancy – this is key
• What skills you bring and
• Where you might need training
• What you know about them
• Longer term aspirations
• How you would handle difficult client situations (and may well give you a scenario to answer) – again this is a key point
• Cultural fit
She will also happily discuss:
• Their career management and performance management programmes
• The contents of their benefits package
• Any other questions you may have
從以上與HR面談的範圍可知,準備的重點不再只是CV based的問題,還要包含Competency-based的問題。這些類型的問題需要事前準備答案,不然臨場是有可能愣住而達不出的。
以下資料由某Job agent所提供:
What Is a Competency-Based Interview?
Chances are your next interview will be a competency based one. Many Fortune 500 companies, as well as public and private firms of all sizes, consider competency based interviewing to be the most accurate predictor of a candidate's potential for job success. Here's what you need to know to get past your next competency-based interview and get the job.
Competency-based interviewing is a standardized method designed to elicit information from a job candidate about relevant past behaviour and performance. It is based on the premise that the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.
During a competency based interview, you will be asked a series of standardized questions. With each answer, you'll be expected to describe examples of behaviours, which the interviewer will use to assess your proficiency in one or more job-related competencies. These competencies can include anything from adaptability to leadership to problem solving.
The interviewer will also observe, but not question, your impact or physical presence and communication skills (both verbal and non).
Questions You Should Expect
You will be asked to describe specific situations that demonstrate your abilities in a requisite competency. Here are some examples of typical competency based questions and the competencies they demonstrate:
• Describe a difficult problem that you tried to solve. How did you identify the problem? How did you go about trying to solve it? (Demonstrates problem solving)
• Describe a time when you tried to persuade another person to do something that he/she was not very willing to do. (Demonstrates leadership)
• Describe a time when you decided on your own that something needed to be done, and you took on the task to get it done. (Demonstrates initiative)
How to Answer the Questions
A good answer should have three parts. Think of it as a “STAR” response.
1. ST: Situation or Task. Describe the context in which the behaviour or action took place.
2. A: Action. Logically take the interviewer through the steps you took to handle the situation or resolve the problem. Keep your answer clear and concise.
3. R: Results. Explain your results Even if you weren't as successful as you'd hoped, it's important to make it clear that you understand the implications of the outcome and why it happened.
Preparing for a Competency based Interview
1. Know your resume. This might seem obvious, but your resume is often the basis for many questions. Identify the competencies that your resume demonstrates.
2. Be able to draw from a variety of experiences that demonstrate your skills and abilities. Volunteer activities, military experience, clubs and organizations, and school and educational endeavours are all fair game.
3. Be familiar with the job for which you're interviewing. Discern the competencies that are required for success in the job and think of the components of your experience that best
Q. 請談談你過去工作經驗中最碰過困難的事?
A. 我遇過最有挑戰的事……(我有先準備過這個問題,就把它背出來就是了。)
Q. 那你是如何解決的?
Q. 你以前的工作已經是管理職,但是現在加入我們公司,你又會回到被管理,你可以接受嗎?
A. 是的,我可以接受。因為要領導別人之前,一定要先懂得如何被領導。
面試的時間並不長,大概只有30分鐘,但是過程中,那位HR很嚴肅,看起來好像比我還緊張,我覺得有點奇怪,可能她想創造一個有壓力的環境,看看我在壓力下 的反應吧。HR經理並沒有問我薪水的事,我也就沒提了。我也只問了她一些公司福利和訓練計畫的事情。之後,她就去請資深經理與我面談了。
1. 和HR面試的問題除了一般CV-based的問題之外,還有Competency-based的問題,需要事前準備,免得當場愣住達不出來。
2. 薪水問題可能不是直接和公司談,而是透過Agent和公司談,這一點需要先和Agent確認。
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